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Anoki Simpson,

Nemenhah Indigenous Traditional Organization

Medicine Woman/ Traditional Leader

Sahaptan Healing Way - Order of Lehb


ULC minister

Universal Life Church Monastary


Is my mind is open to the alternate possibilities. ….... maybe I am not so crazy after all.

Divinity did not die its not something we can kill. Its so much a part of us that even our government had only the option of distorting the magic of divinity and manipulating what it was to the eye. Because it was so powerful that it will never be deleted. It is what makes us up. I think back through all bits of history every story I have ever heard all things have levels layers as do most things in the universe why would we not need to take steps to unlock the secrets and layers of the universe we are jumping from A-D and wondering where B was.. the jump has made us blind to all of the in between from a lack of experience . Why won't I get an A on my test if I don't study. An  assumption that there is a shortcut around every bend.

If we never try how will it ever get done?

Somehow we all know we have a part In this universe we may not know what it is , the thought may have never crossed our minds.

Ask yourself on the most primal level: what is it that I am here for, what makes me the happiest, what influences people around me in a positive manner. take the broad range of answers you come up with and group them into columns love, light, peace, healing,dark,energies, minerals, ect, ect .Keep narrowing until at the base of it all you find a clear answer. As you pursue that answer you find the clarity the answer to the famous Question what is the meaning of life ….. well its simple find your purpose   live your purpose in a positive light stop pushing your problems on others and ask yourself why you are allowing things to bother you but doing nothing to change the patterns.

Clean space and find the seclusion to really decipher your situations pick each moment you live through to the bone. The alone time is when you can quiet the opinions of others and really dive right into yourself. All things start with healing you relation oneness with all things you are part of everything and there is nothing that you cannot relate to. Much of our learning process involves our own reflection and how others may mirror us in passing  as childish as it sounds when others imitate our outlandish behavior we think back wow did I really behave in such a manner

how would that have made me feel......   empathy the wordless language we are taught so hard to ignore but nothing can be more educating  

Anoki Simpson

I've been seen by Anoki Simpson for two years now for healing massage terapy as a treatment for my herniated discs and low back pain. The results are amazing, not only the instant relief of the pain by the realise of pressure points, but also the exchange of energies. It really changes the way my whole body  feels. I can breath better . My treatment is twice a week followed by streches and meditation, which helps me to keep my body and mind in balance.        

- Fernanda Sousa












Anoki is able to tell by looking at me the mood I'm in. Having RSD (constant burning pain) My moods are incosistant. My energy levels  are easily depleted .  With just a touch Anoki shares energy and she recharges me. She releases the tention that escalates my pain .I don't know if i would have survived 19 years of RSD without her possitive energy and healing hands.


-Victoria Lee Spurlin



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